How to source route Availability Zone to closest Direct Connect location?


I have 1 VPC with 3 subnets, 1 for each Availability Zone A,B,C. I have 2 Private VIF terminated on the VGW. Each VIF uses a different Direct Connect location. The network latency from hosts in Availability Zone A is best to Direct Connect location 1. The network latency from hosts in Availability Zones B and C is best to Direct Connect location 2.

How can I configure routing so that: 1.) Hosts in Availability Zone A prefer the VIF using Direct Connect location 1 and use Direct Connect location 2 as backup. 2.) Hosts in Availability Zone B and C prefer the VIF using Direct Connect location 2 and use Direct Connect location 1 as backup.

2 Antworten

Set "AS_PATH prepending" as described in the following document.

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • Sorry this answer is incorrect. This would result in traffic from all 3 Availability Zones using the same VIF. My question explains the Availability Zone A subnet should use VIF 1 and Availability Zone B, C subnets use VIF 2.

  • In the active/active case, "AS_PATH prepending" must be the same value so that load balancing occurs.
    So I found it difficult to route to a specified VIF for a specific subnet only.


It is not possible to do on-premises style PBR (policy based routing) like that with VGW.

How did you conclude the below?

The network latency from hosts in Availability Zone A is best to Direct Connect location 1. The network latency from hosts in Availability Zones B and C is best to Direct Connect location 2.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • Thank you for your comment. A simple traceroute shows hop times.

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