ThingsBoard Website Unavailability (503 Service Unavailable)


We run the Thingsboard on EC2 instance. I was working with the thingsboard app but I experienced an unexpected disruption in accessing the ThingsBoard website, resulting in error 503. Despite efforts to troubleshoot, the website remained unavailable for several hours, impacting ongoing work and productivity.

gefragt vor 8 Monaten152 Aufrufe
2 Antworten


Have you checked the system log when an error occurs in EC2?

Also, what was the CPU usage rate and memory usage rate of EC2 when the error occurred?
If there is a problem with the specs of the instance type, try selecting a larger instance type.

profile picture
beantwortet vor 8 Monaten

How I can select larger instance without loosing the instance data

beantwortet vor 8 Monaten

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