Send Wait Condition Signal from Lambda


I'm trying to send a Cloudformation Wait Condition Signal from a js lambda function once the infrastructure is done provisioning. I'm using Axios to PUT FormData trying to emulate the curl request shown in the docs ( Cloudformation shows an 'unparsable WaitCondition data' error. Has anybody had success doing this?

  • I didn't find the solution. But, there was a better way of handling my situation. Having the lambda wait until the infrastructure was finished by polling its status before returning prevents the rest of the stack from provisioning which is what I wanted.

1 Antwort

What are you creating in CloudFormation vs. what is running post-provisioning?

Lambda could be a way to signal but personally I'd prefer signaling from within the resource you're creating (especially when talking about EC2).

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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