DNS Not Updating in Route S3


I have recently updated the DNS records of my domain, but they don't appear to have taken effect. Please can someone help with this?

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gefragt vor 2 Jahren200 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Are the NS servers for your Route 53 zone configured @ your domain's registrar?

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • My domain registrar is AWS. The domain was recently transferred from Short.io a few days ago. The entire transfer was done from their AWS account to my AWS account.


It appears there is a second zone the actual domain is pointing to that is authoritative.

$ dig +noall +question +answer ryder.link NS
;ryder.link.                    IN      NS
ryder.link.             229     IN      NS      ns-965.awsdns-56.net.
ryder.link.             229     IN      NS      ns-1176.awsdns-19.org.
ryder.link.             229     IN      NS      ns-1908.awsdns-46.co.uk.
ryder.link.             229     IN      NS      ns-320.awsdns-40.com.

You will need to go into your domain's registrar configuration and update the name servers for the domain to those identified for the hosted zone you wish to use.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • Sorry, I am not very skilled with AWS. I don’t know where to start here. Any chance you could guide me step by step please? 🙂

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