Upgrade ecs-agent on Windows 2016 ECS Optimized AM


I'm using the Windows 2016 ECS Optimized AMI, my current EC2 hosts displays a warning that the latest ecs-agent is not installed on the host. Recommended action is to spin up a new EC2 host to have the latest version installed.
I performed this action today and the ecs-agent is the same version as the previous EC2 host.
Is there a method to upgrade to the latest ecs-agent? I'm receiving an issue while attempting to use gMSA and I would like to rule out the ecs-agent version as the cause.

gefragt vor 4 Jahren345 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

migrated to the 2019 ECS Optimized in order to upgrade to latest ECS Agent and required GMSA ability

beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

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