Why does CF now always display all nested stacks in the change set?


I've been using nested stacks for some time, and until recently the change sets only included a nested stack if the stack resource changed or if any of the resources under that stack changed. About a week ago I noticed that nested stacks always show up in the change set no matter what. Why was this changed? As far as I can tell, this is worse functionality, because I'm being told something is being modified when it isn't.

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gefragt vor 2 Monaten94 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

If this change in behavior doesn't align with documented functionalities or seems inconsistent, it might be a bug. AWS support center can be a good resource to confirm this and possibly report the issue.

If this new behavior negatively impacts your workflow, providing feedback to AWS might be beneficial. AWS considers user feedback seriously when planning updates or rollbacks of certain features.

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beantwortet vor 2 Monaten

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