No Score Report to download after my AWS DVA-CO2 exam


I recently took my DVA-CO2 exam. I got an email back that the score report was finished and it was available to view but when I looked in my exam history it was blank where the Download hyperlink normally is. this is the first AWS exam that I have failed and really want to see the score report to see which areas I was lacking in and what my overall score was to see how close I was.

Image of the issue

gefragt vor einem Jahr252 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Please submit a ticket to the AWS Training & Certification customer support team, and they will provide assistance. If you already submitted a case, please allow at least 48 hrs to get a response.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • Thank you Nelli, I have already done that just waiting back for response now. Thanks!

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