Copying RDS Snapshot to another account



A customer wants to shutdown an AWS account say Account A, however it has RDS/Aurora databases. These databases are encrypted. Prior to shutdown, they want to backup these databases.

My Recommendation:

  • Create manual snapshots of these databases and copy them to backup account i.e. account B. [Within region]
  • For encryption, use a KMS key from account B to encrypt target snapshots.

I have gone through the documentation and can see the only limitation in this scenario is deleting the source snapshot before the copy is complete or target snapshot status is Available. Reference


  • Are there any other limitations that I should be aware of in this scenario? I don't want the customer to be surprised when they try to restore using this snapshot after account A has been deleted.
1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

Be very careful with KMS policies and ensure that the final snapshot is encrypted with a key belonging to the target account.

Additionally, you can share this entry from our Knowledge Center with the customer,

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