Configuring "Deploy to Elastic Beanstalk" plugin in Visual Studio


I am playing with new "Deploy to Elastic Beanstalk" in Visual Studio. I was successful in deploying my ASP.Net 7 application to Linux. So, I got through basics. But now I have a number of questions

  • Is it possible to save the deployment the way I can save "Folder" deployment? It saves it somewhere - when deployment page opens, it offers me to use the deployment that already exists. But I run it on a non-default profile; so first I need to manually switch profile. And second - I would prefer to run it from command line as in dotnet publish.
  • How do I install HTTPS? I have a single instance; it looks like I can't use ACM. Which is fine - I am typically use certbot anyway. But I can't figure out how to enable epel / install certbot and run it.
  • Typically, I build a custom API and deploy to it. Is it possible?
  • I would like to have an Angular application running on the same box as well. Is it possible?

These are just a few. The bigger question is, is it possible to look and tweak what is going under the hood? I tried to run dotnet aws deployment-project generate, but I got an error The project you are trying to deploy is currently not supported. I guess I would love to have some kind of tutorial that goes beyond the basics

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gefragt vor einem Jahr245 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Hi Virshu,

To address the below questions:

Is it possible to save the deployment the way I can save "Folder" deployment? It saves it somewhere - when deployment page opens, it offers me to use the deployment that already exists. But I run it on a non-default profile; so first I need to manually switch profile. And second - I would prefer to run it from command line as in dotnet publish.

You can save the current running deployment from Elastic Beanstalk. Go to Applications->Choose the application-> Application versions->Under the source tab you can select the source and it will download as a .zip 

How do I install HTTPS? I have a single instance; it looks like I can't use ACM. Which is fine - I am typically use certbot anyway. But I can't figure out how to enable epel / install certbot and run it.

To install certbot on an Amazon Linux 2 instance, please create an .ebextensions folder in the root of your project and create a file called "00_install_certbot.config" in it [1][2][3]

        command: "sudo amazon-linux-extras install epel -y"
        ignoreErrors: true
        test: test ! -d "/etc/letsencrypt/"
        command: "sudo yum install -y certbot python2-certbot-apache"
        ignoreErrors: true
        test: test ! -d "/etc/letsencrypt/"

Typically, I build a custom API and deploy to it. Is it possible?

Yes, it is possible to deploy a custom API. 

I would like to have an Angular application running on the same box as well. Is it possible?

The platform is a single tenant, therefore only 1 application is supported.

Tutorial that goes beyond the basics: Deployment Projects with the new AWS .NET Deployment Experience


[1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7]

beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • Thank you very much! Very helpful A few comments -

    • I am familiar with .ebextensions; but somehow having trouble here. For some reasons commands are not executing. I remember that it had to have more sophisticated structure. I will research further.
    • I made a typo that totally changed the question. I was asking about custom AMIs - can I choose AMI ID during deployment?
    • Tutorial. I saw that page; in fact, one of my questions is specifically about this: I tried to run dotnet aws deployment-project generate but I got an error The project you are trying to deploy is currently not supported

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