AWS S3 Replication With Lifecycle Policy - Cross Account


I have a script that copies over object and their metadata from bucket A to bucket B which existst in another account. Once the objects are copied over from bukcet A, they are not needed anymore. So I want to add a lifecycle policy to only bucket A that will delete the objects after 2 days. Since am copying object and their metadata from bucket A, does this means the lifecycle policy applies to bucket B eventhough there is no lifecycle configuration for it? When copied over, do the objects in bucket B still expire after the 2 days?

Edited by: Asuman on Jan 23, 2020 5:52 AM

gefragt vor 4 Jahren926 Aufrufe
2 Antworten
AWS states that there are stuff like the object metadata, Unencrypted objects, Object tags, if there are any are replicated during the replication process. It also states bucket/object configuration like the lifecycle policy are not replicated across account. That answered my quaestio :)

beantwortet vor 4 Jahren
AWS states that there are stuff like the object metadata, Unencrypted objects, Object tags, if there are any are replicated during the replication process. It also states bucket/object configuration like the lifecycle policy are not replicated across account. That answered my quaestio :)

beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

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