SSL Mismatch Between Domain Name and Private Name



I have an EC2 instance that is serving a single domain. It is serving HTTP traffic correctly.

DNS is set up so that the EC2's public IP points to the domain name using Route53. We are not using an Elastic IP at this time.

I have installed a Let's Encrypt certificate on the instance and everything looks good in terms of the Apache and OS configuration. However, when you visit the website for HTTPS there is a mismatch error between the certificate the EC2's private DNS name.

Do I need another DNS record? Is there something else I can do?


gefragt vor 4 Jahren237 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

I do not know what was going on but I rand the certbot one more time and it is working right. No idea what the problem was.

beantwortet vor 4 Jahren

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