Creating a new Lightsail Instance from Snapshot - ERROR


I am trying to create a new (larger) instance from a snapshot. When I go through the steps I receive the following error message:

Error CreateInstancesFromSnapshot[us-east-1] Sorry, you've reached your maximum limit of Lightsail Instances: 2. If you're new to Lightsail, please try again later. If the issue persists, please contact Customer Support.


I thought we could have up to 20 instances. How can I fix this issue, or am I limited to 2 instances?

2 Antworten

This can sometimes happen, especially with new accounts. In the error message it should be giving you a link to contact Customer Support. If you follow that process, you can ask them to raise the limit on your account so you can create more Lightsail instances.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

You can contact AWS Support regarding account-related matters and costs. Please contact AWS Support by opening a case under "Account and billing" to increase limit.

beantwortet vor einem Monat

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