S3 Multi-region Access Point using Rails Active Storage



We are having trouble finding a way to make requests to an S3 Multi-region Access Point (MRAP) using Rails Active Storage (we have no issues using Active Storage to access S3 buckets by their name + region).

Any help is much appreciated.

  • To use MRAP, you need to install the aws-crt gem and have the latest aws-sigv4 gem. You should be able to use the MRAP bucket ARN as the bucket name, and any region. Do you have a stack trace or any other information that can help debug the issue?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren381 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
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As mentioned by mullermp@ earlier, you can install aws-crt gem and have the latest aws-sigv4 gem to use the MRAP.



Can you please provide any logs or stack trace to help debug the issue you are facing on your end?

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