Monitor the health of phone numbers in Amazon Connect - Failure


Hi Im following the steps provided here Which appear to be fairly simple - But i am constantly getting a failure message and '00000' returned. Can anyone confirm this process should still work - or how to figure out how to get mor information on what is failing - or an alternative solution to check that lines are operational. Ive tried multiple formats for the WAV file - various numbers etc, but with no avail. Thanks.

gefragt vor 2 Jahren386 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

If you call the flow directly do you hear the wav file play?


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beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

I need access to this Official AWS blog post associated:

and get 404, no longer available ...

I don't understand.

I need to deploy this official AWS solution due to client requirements and it has disappeared without informing about alternatives, etc.

beantwortet vor einem Monat

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