FQDN value in strust for SAP Fiori working with Route 53


The customer wants to keep custom FQDN for DEV & QAS when lifting to AWS, and they need to create certs in strust for access via Fiori. In this case, do we put the custom FQDN or Route 53's FQDN when creating the cert in strust? I assume that it should just stay as is, because the connection to the DEV/QAS instances is resolved via private hosted zone of Route 53, where the custom FQDN is registered. Would you help confirm?

Ash Yu
gefragt vor 2 Jahren249 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Hi Ash, yes, customer can choose to keep custom FQDN. The cert in STRUST should then follow this custom FQDN.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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