Instance reachability check failed error coming for more than 2 hours. Need urgent help


Instance reachability check failed for instance i-098d4ee7e362580fb

Can some one guide me as to what needs to be done? Cant do SSH, or FTP or VNC.

Need urgent feedback and help

Thanks in advance

gefragt vor 2 Jahren369 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

If your instance was using EBS backed volume, and it was not set to terminate on shutdown then simply shutdown your instance. If the shutdown does not work do a force-shutdown. Be careful not to terminate the instance.

Once the instance has been shutdown successfully power it on again and it will make it reachable again. If the instance still does not come up after shutdown and reboot, please check following articles for steps on how you can troubleshoot futher.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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