How to user ECR Public Gallery images with CDK


I'm trying to deploy SonarQube community edition with CDK. Image seems to available in ECR Public Gallery ( , but how to use it in CDK as ContainerImage.fromRegistry seems to point to by default?

    const container = new ContainerDefinition(this, 'container',{
      image: ContainerImage.fromRegistry("docker/library/sonarqube:community")

With this, ECS tries to pull image from and fails as it cant' be resolved

1 Antwort

From the CDK documentation:

Type: ContainerImage The image used to start a container. This string is passed directly to the Docker daemon. Images in the Docker Hub registry are available by default. Other repositories are specified with either repository-url/image:tag or repository-url/image@digest. TODO: Update these to specify using classes of IContainerImage

Another alternate is to check if you can use - fromEcrRepository as defined here


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