Flutter ci-cd pipeline for web


don't find a sample for build a amplify ci/cd flutter web and bitbucket. any idea ? Kind Regards

gefragt vor einem Jahr394 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Thanks alatech. I Have ready my flutter web app, and use the guide "Integrate a Bitbucket repository with AWS Amplify using AWS CloudFormation". Any commit into de repo trigger a build, deploy process.

but , this process don't build any artifact to bucket or some plase linked to a domain.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • Correct, you need to instruct your pipeline to execute the command amplify publish, which takes care of deployment to s3 and CloudFront. Make sure you enable it by amplify add hosting


Hi futican,

Maybe you could use a combination of below?

Hope it helps and if ti does, I 'd appreciate if answer can be accepted so that community can benefit for clarity when searching for similar issues, thanks :)

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