AWS IoT Data Type Error


Greetings, We are using AWS IoT Core services for collecting data from our telematics device. The data is further stored into the DynamoDb database via a rule engine. On publishing the shadow document to the broker the one value field (uint64_t) gets changed on the . The value retains its original value in the dynamoDb.

Device Shadow Expected

  "state": {
    "reported": {
      "vsr": 70931715605954314

Device Shadow Actual

  "state": {
    "reported": {
      "vsr": 70931715605954310

Is there any chance there is some data conversion issue on AWS IoT Core side. I have a thingsboard client connected to the endpoint as well it is also receiving the manipulated device shadow

Regards, Altamash

  • do you publish the value { "state": { "reported": { "vsr": 70931715605954314 } }} to the shadow update topic: $aws/things/yourdeviceuniqueid/shadow/name/update on the device towards IoT-Core? or are you writing the shadow from IoT-Core to be received by your device

    • what is received by IoT-Core on that topic in the AWS IoT -> MQTT test client ?
    • could it be there is another device/service publishing to the same topic ?
  • @clogwog Along with the said vsr key there are certain other key value pair that are published by me on the said topic via mqtt protocol to the broker. (-) The value received on the AWS IoT -> Test client is similar (corrupted) to the one shown in device shadow. But the when i see the data in dynamo db the data is intact and is equivalent to the one sent from device. For pushing data to dynamoDb im using rule engine. (-) A unique device publishes only to its own topic. Most likely the issue seems to be large data type because i have seen a similar behaviour when publishing data from aws iot mqtt test client to the device shadow. What i dont know is how to fix this issue. Any suggestion is appreciated Regards, Altamash

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