Dynamic Caller ID 3rd party Numbers


I am trying to set up an outbound whisper call flow to dynamically assign our landline number to the Amazon Connect Outbound call.

I have followed the information online, but I still do not seem to be able to assign a non-Amazon Connet number to the outbound CLI information.

Can anyone give me a few pointers on how to do this?

gefragt vor 5 Jahren276 Aufrufe
2 Antworten


You need to whitelist numbers that you want to present yet are not part of your connect instance.

Ideally do this via your TAM/AM or if you don’t have one via a support ticket.


beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

I got this response back from support.

I would like to say that you would ONLY be able to set the outbound number with numbers in contact center but not with any other number. This block allows you to dynamically set a number that you have already claimed but does NOT allow you to set any external number you have as a caller ID number when making outbound calls.

beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

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