Setting minor version of elastic beanstalk node.js platform


These docs: note the different minor versions of node.js that are available for a given platform version (like Node.js 12 AL2 version 5.4.8). How do you set the minor version you will be using (like v12.20.2?)


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Each Node.js platform version supports a few Node.js language versions. Valid Node.js versions, as well as the default version. Each Node.js version includes a respective version of npm (the Node.js package manager).

On Amazon Linux 2 platform versions, only the default Node.js version is pre-installed. You can use a package.json file in the root of your project source to specify the Node.js version you want your application to use. Refer to

On Amazon Linux AMI platform versions (preceding Amazon Linux 2), all listed Node.js versions that a platform version supports are pre-installed on it. The default Node.js version applies when the NodeVersion option in the aws:elasticbeanstalk:container:nodejs namespace isn't set. Refer to

Further info and especially some gotchas are called out at

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