Direct Connect Failover with two Virtual Interfaces (VIFs)


To test a Direct Connect (DX) failover using two VIFs on the same Direct Connect connection using the documentation AWS Direct Connect Failover Test. Does a resiliency model of at least two Direct Connect connections required for this type of failover testing?

gefragt vor 3 Jahren434 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
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The failover test simulates when one VIF is out of service, not if the entire DX is interrupted. A fiber cut or single device failure; as specified in the resiliency models, would require more than one physical connection.

for maximum resiliency, the documentation say:

separate connections that terminate on separate devices in more than one location

For high resiliency, the documentation say::

by using two single connections to multiple locations

Maximum resiliency requires two separate connections that terminate on two separate devices as shown in the docs.

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

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