EC2 Wordpress Lightsail Disappeared


So I have this wordpress site that has been up and running with no issues since February. All of a sudden at around 330am, I am now getting a 404 error. When I check the var/www/html folder it's completely empty. No wordpress instance at all. I checked the database (phpMyadmin) and that is there. I do not know what could have happened and how to resolve this.

gefragt vor einem Jahr206 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


I am not familiar with an event that could cause your instance to lose the content of its "var/www/html" folder. Have you taken any manual or automatic snapshots of this instance? If you have, the fastest recovery may be creating a new instance from that snapshot. We have snapshot guidance that may be helpful which you can find here:


beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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