Added 3 domains and DNS zones to lightsail but SSL just wont work and not showing as updated


I just need uploads to work on one of my domains so I tried to add them to the SSL certificate. My main domain name that I setup first works no problem with HTTPS and when I look at the certificate in the browser, it shows updated today. No delay. The 3 other domain names have been validated, have the updated CNAME validation in route53 and lightsail dns records, and I changed their Route53 NS records to point to the NS records provided by Lightsail's DNS zone but nothing seems to be happening and these domain names not working, when I go to their https address the invalid cert shows it was issued on Feb 1 2022. Its like it doesnt know its certificate was updated.

Right now im just restarting everything. The way I have these additional domains setup is as VirtualHosts, so its all coming from 1 lightsail distribution... im wondering if that is the problem...

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