Auto start an EC2 instance 5 minutes after it auto shuts due to an alarm


An alarm has been set on our EC2 instance to auto shut if "idle" for a certain time period (based on CPU utilization). Is there a way to auto start the instance, say 5 minutes after it auto shuts due to the alarm?

4 Antworten

It would probably be a better idea to just exclude the instance from the alarm to begin with. You can also shut off the alarm. Unless the idle CPU is an indication of a system problem in that case you may want to handle that a different way. Ex: Auto scaling group with health check.

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You can build a solution using DynamoDB and lambda.Log all the instanceid's,state and shutdowntime and trigger the lambda to take action as needed. Note : Also consider shutting down the services running inside the EC2 gracefully to avoid data inconsistency and corruption.

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Thank you @rePost-User-6379467 and @Evan for your replies

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Assuming this is really what you need, you can set an EventBridge rule that will catch the instance terminated events. This event can create an EventBridge schedule for 5 minutes from now that will start the instance.

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