We are using a javascript chime client to make an outbound call to a phone number through createsipmediaoutboundcall. Meeting is created and joined successfully. But after call is answered successfully on the phone, the leg b participant hangs up automatically.

Our use case requires a phone call to landline / Flip Phone from our Web & Mobile App. Appreciate any support, advice or help.

1 Antwort

Because there are a couple of approaches to connecting the meeting and the PSTN call, I can't be sure exactly where yours is failing. But, let me give you some general pointers first...

There are two good resources that show how to build this type of solution:

The readme on the GitHub repo explains it pretty well and all the code is there for you to build on. The workshop is essentially the same but gives a little more of a walkthrough.

Please let me know if these resources help you out. If not, we can dive deeper.

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