Shutdown APIGateway after Budget limit


Is there any way to automatically shutdown API gateway that triggers Lambda once my AWS account hits a specific budget limit?

1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

In October of 2020, AWS released AWS Budget Actions [1][2][3]. This enables you to create a budget alert that takes an action. Amongst the possible actions is sending a notification to an SNS topic which can have a Lambda function as a subscriber. That Lambda can do whatever the Lambda has permissions for. Note that AWS Budgets get updated up to 4 times per day. So it could take up to 24 hours for the Budget Alert to notice the increase in API GW spend and therefore trigger the action and Lambda.




profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • I created IAM roles for APIGW and Budgets to which I attached policies allowing the invoking of Lambdas and the attachment/detachment of role policies, respectively. I also created a policy that denies the ability to invoke a Lambda ("kill"). To test I created a usage budget with a threshold right above my current message count, with an action to have Budgets attach the "kill" policy to the APIGW invoke role. I ran my app and waited and it worked as intended: Budgets attached the "kill" policy and stopped APIGW from being able to invoke Lambdas.

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