Viewing EKS 'fargate-scheduler' logs


How can I view logs for the EKS fargate-scheduler ? I can see the 'default-scheduler' logs in CloudWatch (named 'kube-scheduler' in cloudwatch), but cannot find documentation regarding logging the eks fargate-scheduler.

I have read the documentation regard Fargate logging and this is not what I want. This doc describes logging for pods running in eks fargate, but I want logs from the fargate-scheduler itself.

I have read this EKS Fargate troubleshooting doc as well, and this is also not what I want. While I appreciate AWS putting out troubleshooting guides, the fargate-scheduler knows already knows why my pods cannot be scheduled, and I'd like to view those logs.

Thanks in advance for you help!

gefragt vor 2 Jahren232 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

To my knowledge, since Fargate is a managed service, AWS does not expose the fargate-scheduler logs. I believe the EKS Fargate troubleshooting guide you listed above is your best path. I understand that this may be an unsatisfying answer, but to my knowledge, this is the best answer there is.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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