securityhub finding export to CSV failed


I have enabled security hub in all member accounts and also delegated it to the admin account. I am using the below article for exporting security hub results to CSV. But it fails during codeformation stack deployment and error says " error occurred while GetObject.S3 Error Code:PermanentReDirect, S3 Error Message, the bucket is in this region: us-east-1 , please use this region to retry request.

While i am trying to use on Eu-central-1 as i dont have aggregation enabled and using only one region as i have all the accounts and resources here itself. Please guide what is the right approach to sort this out.


1 Antwort

After you deploy with the "Launch Stack" button, make sure you change to the desired region on the console, also on parameters for the stack make sure to put eu-central-1 on PrimaryRegion and Regions. Hope this solves.

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