Orderable not found in destination for combination of engine oracle-se2 version and license engine oracle-se2 type license-included


Hi Team,

I have took a manual snapshot of Oracle RDS and copied it to a different region (ap-south-1 to ap-south-2), While i am doing I received the below error.

Orderable not found in destination for combination of engine oracle-se2 version and license engine oracle-se2 type license-included

Kindly someone help to over come this issue?

2 Antworten

Error: Orderable not found in destination for combination of engine oracle-se2 version and license engine oracle-se2 type license-included

This you are experiencing is due to the fact that currently the ap-south-2(Hyderabad) region do not support RDS oracle with license included model.

May verify using the following cli

aws rds describe-orderable-db-instance-options --engine oracle-se2 --region ap-south-2

beantwortet vor 8 Monaten


you may use the following aws cli command to find the available/supported combination database instance class, version and license type in the target region and while restoring the snapshot you may choose one supported.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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