Creating/using an alias for an S3 Object Lambda Access Point?


I'm trying to integrate with a service (Ninja Forms File Uploads) that can connect to an S3 bucket to store files. The service requires a "bucket name" as part of its configuration, which works great for both the original bucket's name and the access point's alias I had to make as part of the Object Lambda Access Point setup process. However, it does not seem to work with ARNs, which appears to be the only way I can refer to the Object Lambda Access Point I made. Is there any way to refer to it by an alias?

gefragt vor 2 Jahren229 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


S3 object lambda access point does have alias [1]. Just choose the access point on the console, and go to properties tab.

[1] Object Lambda Access Point alias – my-object-lambda-acc-1a4n8yjrb3kda96f67zwrwiiuse1a--ol-s3

beantwortet vor 4 Monaten

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