How can I definitively take down my application from AWS Amplify and prevent it from remaining accessible?


When I uploaded my application to AWS Amplify by connecting it to my GitHub repository for hosting, I was able to delete it without any issues from the AWS Amplify console. However, I can still access the application through the link even after deleting it. Additionally, when I make updates to my GitHub repository, they are automatically reflected in the application's environment. I have checked other AWS service dependencies and disconnected everything, including VPC, API Gateway, and Lambdas. How can I definitively take down my application from AWS Amplify and prevent it from remaining accessible?

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gefragt vor 9 Monaten226 Aufrufe
3 Antworten
Akzeptierte Antwort

Could you have created the app in another region than the one you are currently using?

I have an app that I created in eu-north-1. It's listed if I view AWS Amplify | eu-north-1. However, if I click on the region name in the top right corner and switch to e.g. AWS Amplify | eu-west-3 there is no app listed.

Do you know in which region you created the app?

beantwortet vor 8 Monaten
  • Thank you for your response, that was it. It was loaded in another region. Many thanks!


Yes, I deleted it. Despite that, when accessing the Amplify service, it shows that I don't have any application loaded. However, upon accessing the link I had for that application, it still displays the application, even with the recent modifications made in the GitHub repository. Furthermore, Amazon continues to charge me for the Amplify service, despite having deleted the application

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beantwortet vor 8 Monaten

Did you actually delete the app, or did you possibly just disconnect one of the branches?

To actually delete the app, go to the Console and select AWS Amplify. If your app is still listed under "All apps", click on it. When the new page has loaded, in the top right corner, click on "Actions" and "Delete app".

beantwortet vor 8 Monaten

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