Research and Engineering Studio instance Setup - AD users Sync to IDC. Unable to verify user email.


I am setting up a Research and Engineering Studio instance. I have followed the step mentioned in the document I am able to sync my AD users to IDC Successfully. However on opening a user details, I can see a warning message saying - "Email not verifiedt Users must first verify their email address before they can begin to use certain features such as completing email-based two-step verification during sign-in."

However when I click on Send email verification link it fails with the error - "user pool is disabled"

What should i do to provide email verification for my users synced from AD?

  • Check that the user pool is enabled in IAM Identity Center. The error message indicates the user pool may be disabled. You will need to enable it to allow email verification.

gefragt vor 6 Monaten305 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

Check that the user pool is enabled in IAM Identity Center. The error message indicates the user pool may be disabled. You will need to enable it to allow email verification.

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