Deny request in Cognito Pre Authentication lambda using dot net core


What's the equivalent of C# for node.js code below?

I'm trying to convert this node.js code back to dot net core. I would like to know new Error equivalent in C#.


exports.handler = (event, context, callback) => {
    if (event.callerContext.clientId === "user-pool-app-client-id-to-be-blocked") {
        var error = new Error("Cannot authenticate users from this user pool app client");

        // Return error to Amazon Cognito
        callback(error, event);

    // Return to Amazon Cognito
    callback(null, event);
gefragt vor 5 Jahren1275 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

I figured it out myself. Throw and exception is indeed the approach.

However, there's not much flexible in return message. It's a canned message with prefix.

"PreAuthentication failed with error <your exception message here>"

beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

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