Migrate repository from CodeCommit to Gitlab



I am using AWS CodeCommit in my current project. And We have a two requirements

  1. We need to merge branch-a of repository-b(which is in CodeCommit, mirrored from gitlab), to original repository-b staying in Gitlab.
  2. We need to migrate some of the repositories to Gitlab from CodeCommit.

Can you please help us with this requirement, on how to achieve this?

gefragt vor einem Jahr942 Aufrufe
1 Antwort

You can migrate an existing Git repository to a CodeCommit repository. The procedures in this topic show you how to migrate a project hosted on another Git repository to CodeCommit. As part of this process, you:

  1. Complete the initial setup required for CodeCommit.
  2. Create a CodeCommit repository.
  3. Clone the repository and push it to CodeCommit.
  4. View files in the CodeCommit repository.
  5. Share the CodeCommit repository with your team. Detailed steps are available at https://docs.aws.amazon.com/codecommit/latest/userguide/how-to-migrate-repository-existing.html
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