How can I use the same domain name in different AWS accounts?


I want to use the same domain name in different AWS account. The domain is hosted by AWS.
I have two accounts: Account A and Account B. In Account A, I have created a certificate with AWS Certificate Manager to have a custom domain name like What I want to achieve is using the same domain name in Account B. In order to do that I have created a new certificate with the same domain name in Account B and then in Route53 I have created a new hosted zone with the same domain name. The certificate is issued via email validation for Account B. I have created a S3 static website hosting and created CloudFront distribution with this domain name in Account B. I have followed all the steps to create static website hosting from this url: When I call the link instead of navigating to the static website it gives the following error:’s server IP address could not be found. ERR_NAME_NOT_RESOLVED

My question is what should I do to use the same domain name in different AWS accounts.

gefragt vor 5 Jahren3590 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

I also ran into this and a "cleaner" option seems to be with using delegating responsibility for a subdomain to a hosted zone

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

I have come up with a solution. It seems that the record set in Account B does not work and requests the address to hosted zone in Account A so creating the record set in Account A and using the CNAME of the distribution in Account B is the solution. The request goes to the record set in Account A and then it routes to the distribution in Account B.

The below link has the diagram presents the solution:

beantwortet vor 5 Jahren

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