Failed to fetch secret (temporary issue)


Hello, this past weekend for about an hour or so, there was some cases of failures to fetch a secret which my aws sdk node library uses to access RDS.

The error message is like:
Failed to fetch secret arn:aws:secretsmanager:ap-northeast-1: ...

Could this possibly have been to some kind of temporary issue on aws at that time, or is it possible I have some configuration done wrong. Other than this time period, I havn't noticed the issue. It was on server ap-northeast-1 on 3-13 from around 12:00 - 13:18 UTC.

gefragt vor 3 Jahren1107 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


today we had the same problem.

Reason:I have selected the wrong secret and changed the encryption key ( my plan was to change the encryption key for an other secret )

Maybe you could re-check that the current encryption key is the expected one.

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

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