Monitor EFS Cost and Usage filter rules for using boto3


Hi everyone,

I'm trying to monitor the EFS usage of a specific drive with the boto3 get_cost_and_usage. However, the return value is more than twice as large as I would expecy from my own bill and the data stored on EFS.

The function in question is:

resources = client.get_cost_and_usage(
        'Start': start_time,
        'End': end_time
    Metrics=['UsageQuantity', 'UnblendedCost']

With the filter rules:

[ { 'Key': 'Customer', 'Values': ['customer_id'], 'MatchOptions': ['EQUALS'] } ]

The EFS filesystem has the tag Customer=customer_id assigned.

Hence, the question is: what are the correct filter rules to monitor the usage of EFS in GIB/month?

Thank you in advance.

1 Antwort

Could you please check whether the tag you are using to filter is not being used for any other services. In case that is the situation then would request you to create a unique tag for EFS.

You can also refer to the below link to get indication around how tag should be implemented and used.

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