problems with websites uploaded to my instances


I recently uploaded two backup copies of my websites that I had on another server to lightsail, the corresponding configuration was done and everything was fine, the normal website entered, but after a while if we tried to make any image or style changes the website crashed every 5 minutes someone who can help me solve this problem please

  • What are you hosting with Lightsail? Are you on WordPress? You will need to analyze the error log when it crashes.

gefragt vor einem Jahr185 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


Lightsail provides a variety of metrics to help monitor instance health status. It might be helpful to check these metrics to see if anything goes wrong. Here's a document in regards of instance metrics:

If metrics does not help, could you please error logs here? So that we can take a look together to understand the root cause.

Hope it helps!!

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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