S3 Inventory : Is there a limit to the number of objects in a bucket that will show up in the inventory?


My customer believes their s3 inventory is being truncated at 400k objects. I know that isn't close to some customer s3 buckets, but I can't find any S3 inventory limits (or lack of limits) documented anywhere.

I am also working with them on alternatives to excel for viewing the csv and ruling that out as part of the problem.

gefragt vor 6 Jahren809 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

No there is not in fact the S3 inventory is specifically designed for use cases where customers have billions of objects and are not able to practically List the buckets though normal means. You should also check that they pulled all of the Inventory files.

beantwortet vor 6 Jahren

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