Is Cloudfront works only in Virginia region (us-east-1)


Hi, When I am creating cloudfront distribution it ask for AWS Certificate , but only in region Virginia, why only in this region? from what I understand cloudfront is global and doesn't have specific region. Thank you

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gefragt vor einem Jahr3415 Aufrufe
2 Antworten

Cloud front is a global CDN but it is managed from the global region of us-east-1.

In order to have a certificate assigned to cloudfront, then you will need to create one in acm also in the same region us-east-1

The same applies to managing waf for cf. it’s in the global region.

It’s similar for IAM. Its global region is the same.

If this helps please be sure to accept the answer to help others and me.

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr

Yes CloudFront is global but it considers us-east-1 as global region. The ACM certificates must be imported from here and the same is distributed across all geographic regions.

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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