What Type of EC2 Instance Should I Use?


Currently I am on the free plan. I am running a python web scraping on a windows script that could be refreshing potentially every minute for tracking several different (20-50 instance requests at a time. Hopefully expanding to more. What infrastructure should I be using, looking for cheapest possible option. Also the web scraping instances are tracking elements on a site that could potentially ban or timeout requests. My python script is connected to a proxies.txt, I am wondering what the best proxies or way to generate proxies is?

gefragt vor einem Jahr271 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


Given above I d start simple with t2 or t3 (small/medium) and then vertical scale from there.

You can also consider spot instances if you accept some level of interruption in exchange for cost saving - or evaluate a SpotFleet to mitigate that but pay a bit more

Hope it helps ;)

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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