Sagemaker Studio notebook - no module named 'tensorflow' when chosen image type "Tensorflow 2.6 Python 3.8 GPU optimized"



I have created a simple notebook on SageMaker Studio using the Image "Tensorflow 2.6 Python 3.8 GPU optimized". But when I try to run simple statement viz. "import tensorflow", I am getting the error "no module named 'tensorflow'".

I tried to install 'tensorflow' package using pip from the terminal attached to the image. But it shows the message "requirement already satisfied".

Am I missing anything here? Please help.

Thanks in advance, Praveen

gefragt vor 3 Jahren973 Aufrufe
1 Antwort
Akzeptierte Antwort

From the question, I understand that you are trying to use a TensorFlow 2.6 Python 3.8 kernel in SageMaker Studio, but you are unable to import tensorflow.

The service team are aware of this issue and are actively working on a fix.

Mitigation Option

A) If your use case is version flexible, version other than 2.6 should work.

B) If not, you can try the following as workaround

  1. Open a notebook using a Tensorflow 2.6 Python 3.8 kernel
  2. Execute the following line in a notebook cell: !sed -i 's|^ *"python",| "/usr/local/bin/python",|g' /usr/local/share/jupyter/kernels/python3/kernel.json
  3. Stop the kernel
  4. Re-attach the kernel to your notebook.

Hope it helps!

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren
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überprüft vor 6 Monaten
  • Thanks for informing that it's a known issue. Are there any other known issues of SageMaker Studio documented in a webpage? Please send me the link if it exists.

    The solution mentioned in option #B didn't work for me. Tried for couple of times, but still I am getting same error.

    I went for option #A and it's working fine as for Tensorflow.

    Thanks for the help!!

  • Option #B also working fine for me. Thanks for the workaround!!

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