host a php web app on aws amplify


I'm trying to build a laravel web app on aws amplify. I've configured an ECR with php, nodejs, npm, composer etc to handle laravel. I then use this image to build an aws amplify app. Although it deploys successfully it does not load php pages.

I can tell .htaccess is an issue because aws amplify doesn't appear to use it. Is there a way to convert .htaccess to amplify redirects/custom headers?

Is it even possible to run a laravel app on amplify?

Loading only downloads the index.php file rather than loading.

gefragt vor 2 Jahren2872 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


Thought I never tried as it differs from typical supported flows (React, Angular, etc..) you can try advanced workflows:, which integrates Amplify with NodeJs-dockerized apps deployed in ECS Fargate.

Hope it helps

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beantwortet vor 2 Jahren
  • this is what i've done. I've created a Dockerfile that installs php, httpd, npm, and all the necessary packages for laravel. I then use this as an ECR image to build on amplify. But it does not load php.

  • Does your container work locally?

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