AWS IoT Analytics - Dataset Query erase old css


Hello I have a question about IoT Analytics. When I try a query to get some data from my datastore it works but it will delete the last test in this dataset. I can't have more than one content of dataset.

Someone know why and if I can change this ?

gefragt vor einem Jahr247 Aufrufe
3 Antworten

Hi Gearcry,

what do you mean by "delete the last test in this dataset"? When you create a dataset you get a back a signed URL from where you can store your dataset.

Another option to store different datasets is to use the S3DestinationConfiguration in your CreateDataset request.


beantwortet vor einem Jahr

Hi Philipp, thanks for your answer. Maybe I was not clear. When you run a SQL query you will get a result, but you can only have one on the same time ? It's not possible to run the same query and get a save of the differents results ?

beantwortet vor einem Jahr

Hi Gearcry,

you can run two CreateDataset commands in parallel. For each of the calls you have to provide a dataset name. From your datasets you can then create dataset content and you will get a different URL to access your dataset content. Please see also Creating a dataset.


beantwortet vor einem Jahr

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