PostGIS - Aurora database Raster GIST index support



I have created a PostgreSQL database, including the PostGIS extension, however, I'm unable to create GiST index on my rast column.

I'm trying to execute the following line:

CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS rast_index ON public.raster_data USING gist(rast);

I get the following response:

ERROR:  data type raster has no default operator class for access method "gist"
HINT:  You must specify an operator class for the index or define a default operator class for the data type.
SQL state: 42704
gefragt vor 2 Jahren384 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


I understand you are not able to create GiST index on my rast column using the below command CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS rast_index ON public.raster_data USING gist(rast); Kindly note that GiST indexes enable building general B-Tree structures that you can use for operations more complex than equality and range comparisons. They are mainly used to create indexes for geometric data types and they support full-text search indexing. With that said above you can only create GIST indexes for geometric data types such as ( point , polygon , lseg , box , circle , and path) for PostgreSQL.

See the example below:

postgres=> CREATE TABLE my_points (

id serial PRIMARY KEY,

p geometry(POINT),

pz geometry(POINTZ),

pm geometry(POINTM),

pzm geometry(POINTZM),

p_srid geometry(POINT,4269) ); CREATE TABLE postgres=> CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS rast_index ON public.my_points USING gist(p);


For more information about GIST, kindly visit the below link:

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beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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