Can new ADMX Policy Template be imported to Simple AD or Managed AD?


Does Simple AD or Managed Microsoft AD support importing custom admx/adml templates?

A 3rd-party app in my environment includes a custom_app.admx/.adml files so app settings can be managed via Windows GPO. I wish to manage this app's settings using GPO linked to my AD Domain which means the admx should be imported to the DC.
Traditionally when I had full control of my Domain Controllers, I could import the admx to my DC.

gefragt vor 3 Jahren406 Aufrufe
2 Antworten
Akzeptierte Antwort

Yes you can add templates to GPOs you have created. There are a couple GPOs we control in Manged Microsoft AD that will not allow this. So first you will have to create a new GPO and link it to your OU. Please update this post if you run into any problems.

profile pictureAWS
beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

I think what Iaac means:

Normally its possible to import admx templates on the domain controller in folder:

I for instance have the same issue related to this article from Microsoft:

I will probably today open a case to check what is possible

beantwortet vor 3 Jahren

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