Pinpoint SMS unsubscribe/resubscribe


I'm facing some issues while implementing Two-way SMS unsubscribe/resubscribe using AWS Pinpoint SMS. We are not using "self-managed opt-outs". When I unsubscribe through "STOP" I am not receiving further messages which is expected but when I try to resubscribe I am not receiving messages. Pinpoint Logs are still showing number is opted out.

gefragt vor 2 Jahren426 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


Thanks for reaching out. Can you kindly clarify how exactly you are resubscribing the number?

I would like to understand how you are doing this at the moment. That said, you will need to opt-in numbers which have opted-out via the opt-in api ->

$ aws sns opt-in-phone-number --phone-number +1XXXXXXXX

Please do note that there is a hard limitation here that opted-out numbers can only be opted-in once every 30 days. This is discussed in the above documentation.

beantwortet vor 2 Jahren

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