CodePipeline - some pipelines run automatically, some do not


We have several CodePipelines. All are built the same way, using CloudFormation. All have a single SourceAction that uses ECR, pointed at the same repo, using the "latest" tag. When a new image is pushed to ECR and the "latest" tag moves to the new image, 5 of the pipelines run but 3 do not. It is always the same 3 that do not run automatically. But if I select one of the broken pipelines in the AWS Console and hit the "Release Changes" button, it works.

I do not know when this started happening. There are not any error messages and none of the pipelines are in ERROR or FAILED status or anything. I have manually examined each of the broken pipelines and they do not appear to be any different from the working ones. I have searched online and in these forums and I have not been able to find anyone with similar issues. Any help is appreciated.

gefragt vor einem Monat157 Aufrufe
2 Antworten
Akzeptierte Antwort

I opened a case with AWS support. These were their findings:

The pipeline failed to trigger automatically as there was no EventBridge rule created for the CodePipeline. If the CodePipeline was created using the console, or if the action pages were edited, then the console should have created an EventBridge rule that starts your pipeline when the source changes[1]. However, the rules failed to be created for pipeline ‘xxxxx’.

To ensure the three broken pipelines trigger automatically, please add them as the targets of the EventBridge rule. Refer to [2] for more details on creating a EventBridge rule via console. In the event pattern, replace the image tag and Repository name with the names of your ECR image tag and repository.

References: [1] [2]

beantwortet vor 24 Tagen

Hello there,

To best troubleshoot this issue, we require information that is non-public information. Please open a support case with AWS Support using the link

beantwortet vor 24 Tagen

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