Issue with form submissions



I host my websites on AWS Lightsail, whenever a form is submitted I get an error "server error", the websites are built using Wordpress/Elementor PRO. I've been on to Elementor PRO support and they have advised that the error is not on their end and it's due to my hosting.

I only moved over the Lightsail last year, but before with other hosting I never had this issue.

Can anyone assist?

Thanks, Luke

gefragt vor einem Jahr183 Aufrufe
1 Antwort


Please connect to Lightsail using SSH etc. and check the web server access log and error log.
If it is a server error, the web server log will show some kind of log output that will help identify the cause of the error.

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beantwortet vor einem Jahr
  • I'm not too familiar with this, would you be able to provide me information on how I can check this? I have SSH open but unsure what to enter to see this information. Thank you for your reply!

  • Are you using Bitnami WordPress? If so, I think the log file will be output to the following directory.

    cd /opt/bitnami/apache2/logs
    ls -la

    Once you have found the log file, try displaying the log using the following command.

    tail -100 error_log

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